How it Works
Each Golden Ticket has a unique code. By entering your details, you unlock the opportunity to win:
• Special discounts on our products.
• Access to limited-time offers.
• A chance to win prizes throughout the year!
Terms and Conditions Summary:
• Each Golden Ticket is unique and the number can only be entered once per competition. By submitting your details, you agree to our Terms, Conditions and Guidelines.
• How do I know if my ticket is valid?
All valid Golden Tickets will have a unique code printed on them. Simply enter it into the form to find out!
• What if I lose my ticket?
Unfortunately, golden tickets cannot be replaced. Please keep it safe!
If you do lose your catalogue with your golden ticket, you can always order another one here.
• When will I receive my prize?
Winners will be notified via email or phone, so make sure your details are correct.